Light Stable Aroma Extract
Dark brown, semisolid extract containing hop essential oils and waxes.
Light Stable Aroma Extract (LSAE) is an enriched hop oil product derived from CO2 extract.
LSAE is light stable and free of hop bitter acids.
LSAE can be added early to the wort kettle as an antifoam agent. If added late in the boil, this product imparts a distinct hop aroma to beer.
LSAE does not contribute to the sensory bitterness of beer.
LSAE provides hop aroma when added to the kettle. Late kettle additions enhance the hop character of the finished beer.
Quick Specs
Iso-alpha acids
below detection limit
Alpha acids
below detection limit
Beta acids
< 20% dependent on variety and crop year
Hop Oil
15 - 45%
7.5 – 8.0
35 – 50 mPas at 50 °C (122 °F)
1.0 g/ml at 20 °C (68 °F)
Dark brown, semisolid extract containing hop essential oils and waxes